Social Media News

February 10, 2017

Don’t be fooled by fake news

Social media, for better or worse, is a part of 21st-century culture and it’s has been deeply ingrained in the daily lives, experiences and viewpoints of Americans of all ages.  Millennials and new generations don’t know a world without Instagram, Facebook and Google.  Intersecting daily with social media networks it’s simply their reality. Social media connects users across the world, allowing them to share ideas, thoughts, and content. While the dangers of social media are prominent in teachings to youth, the entire spectrum of what exactly is dangerous may not be covered. Students are warned of the consequences of posting scandalous photos or inappropriate comments. However, there are other important concerns to take into consideration when it comes to social media communication. One of these important social issues is the fact that many people are getting badly influenced by “fake news”. As a result of this concerning trend, some social networks are taking action. Now, Facebook is letting its users flag news stories as fake or a hoax and working with fact checkers to vet them, it is the first effort to address fake news since the United States election. Facebook stated on Dec. 15 that it is taking steps to weed out “the worst of the worst” fake news from its platform. So, be responsible, get educated and don’t believe everything you read in social media platforms. Always check with reliable sources first before sharing any news.
March 21, 2017

What’s the Difference Between SEO and SEM?

Search engine optimization and search engine marketing can be a confusing concept to grasp. Is there even a difference between them? Both terms are often used interchangeably, which makes matters even worse. It is important to understand the difference between the two terms and that they are different. What is search engine optimization (SEO)? SEO is essentially a component of the larger category, SEM. According to Google’s Knowledge Graph, search engine optimization is “the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.” The SEO industry is continually changing due to the frequent changes made to Google’s algorithm. But, there is one aspect of SEO that stays constant: SEO is made up of On-Page and Off-Page activities. What components does SEO include? As stated above, SEO is comprised of two different activities. ·         On-Page SEO includes: -Incorporating selective keyword naturally into title tags, meta descriptions, heading tags, alt text, etc. -Blog posts and page copy that is written and optimized with quality -Clean and formatting page URLS -Optimized page load speed -Google authorship incorporated -Social sharing integration within your content And much more! ·         Off-Page SEO includes: -Creating a high quality, natural backlink profile (aka having other high quality/authoritative sites link to your site naturally) -Social sharing signals -Social bookmarking (Stumbleupon, Reddit) -List goes on here too! What is search engine marketing (SEM)? According to Wikipedia, “Search engine marketing is a […]
June 9, 2017
Click bait

Facebook is Fighting the War Against Clickbait

Facebook is getting more precise in its fight against clickbait. After training its news feed algorithm to recognize clickbait headlines last year and penalize the sites and Pages associated with these posts, Facebook will now target individual posts that link to articles that overpromise and underdeliver, in order to better isolate and eliminate the clickbait trying to invade people’s news feeds. Previously, Facebook considered website domains or Facebook Pages at large when hunting for clickbait. That helped its system to broadly identify bad actors that push out a lot of clickbait, but it also made it harder to quarantine the occasional clickbait from an otherwise reputable publisher. Now, by taking into account individual posts, Facebook can strike down these one-off offenses without leveling an entire publication or needing to wait for a publication’s clickbait volume to mount. Facebook’s algorithm will also now distinguish between headlines that withhold information and headlines that exaggerate the story. The divide-and-conquer tactic is supposed to make Facebook’s system more effective when evaluating whether a post links to a clickbait, per a company blog post published on Wednesday. That post isn’t clear on exactly how the change helps. But since Facebook is running a bunch of headlines through its computers so those computers can learn what a clickbait headline looks like, it’s possible that the computers had a hard time finding those patterns when considering a headline like “When He Opened the Door, He Didn’t Know He’d Be Met by This…” and one like “This Article […]
July 7, 2017
Google Now Shows Job Postings In Its Search Results

Google Now Shows Job Postings In Its Search Results

It’s now official: Job listings are coming to Google’s search results in a much more prominent way. Google’s job search initiative is now live in US search results. Initially debuted at the company’s I/O conference, Google For Jobs sees the search giant collaborating with other companies in the job matching industry to connect employers with the right candidates. While joining the power of Google’s machine learning capabilities, combined with the services provided by other job matching sites, Google aims to help users find the right job for them. Whether you’re seeking an entry-level job, or a high level executive position, Google For Jobs will be able to surface opportunities of all types. Google For Jobs can be activated on either desktop or mobile by searching for keywords such as “jobs near me”, “retail jobs”, and so on. In addition to job descriptions, Google will also show key information including when the job was posted, commute time from your home, whether it’s full or part time, and even reviews of the employer. If there’s a particular type of job you’re interested in, you can turn on alerts and receive an email notification whenever a job matching your criteria gets posted. References Southern, M. (2017, June 20). Google For Jobs is Now Live in Search Results. Retrieved from searchenginejournal: