Biggest mistakes people make with facebook and social media marketing:

Is Social Media Marketing Important for Small Business?
May 13, 2013
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August 21, 2013

Biggest mistakes people make with facebook and social media marketing:

All companies need a presence in social media and we should see this source as an ally to achieve our goals, however, not all are prepared to take virtual interaction with the customer and could make different mistakes like:

  • Lack of understanding about benefits & purpose of social media marketing

  • Relying on unreliable people to do the job

  • Lack of patience and determination

  • Not realizing it requires effort and hard work.

  • Not enough supervision & not posting enough  (Standard time recommended – at least 3-4 hours per week.   At least monitoring and adding information)
  • Too many people managing the same account & not communicating
  • Lack of knowledge and social media skills
  • Wrong expectations for Measurement  & tracking: general information  ( Use as intelligence gathering … Do Not get caught up on tracking direct ROI. )
  • Too many straight promotions. (Rather than pushing coupons, post quality posting and exciting information. Concentrate on establishing your network and build trust. )
·  Believing that everything is free: While creating an account in social networking is free, everything related to work to develop a strategy for entering and staying in them has a price. Hire community managers, specialized companies or create advertising and marketing campaigns in social media.
·   Censoring: is not good to delete comments that you do not like, the idea is to RESPOND.
·  Creatingz a Facebook page, a posting wall of activities or worse, publish exclusively benefits and features of products.
·   Invite to events which are not events: a new product is not an event, a new campaign is not an event. Events, is a tool for planning MEETINGS.
·   Abusively use private messaging system to send advertising.
· Wanting to win many followers instantly: Social Media Followers must be earned, not only just to follow, are long-term prospects and should be measured as such. How to gain followers? Is not easy, but it’s easy when you are original and transmitting useful information not only publish what you sell or the services that you offer.

· Lack of commitment: If your community is devoting their time to engage with the content you are creating in Facebook, you should do the same. Reply to comments. Do not start with “Very well, thank you” or something like this.
If your feel your company is ready to go to the next level, contact the marketing specialist at “Xperience Marketing Solutions” to request information about our Social Media Services and let our company help your business grow.
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