GOOGLE LATEST Algorithm UPDATE – September 24th 2019
September 25, 2019
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May 8, 2020

Upcoming changes to Facebook on October 2019

Facebook is making configuration changes that will affect how they determine the reach on your postings. Last year they completed some updates to their metric system to determine how many times a post was available on user screens vs how many times it was delivered to the Facebook feed.

The new change is directed to limiting the duplicate metrics based on visits from the same person, which means that the new metrics for “reach data” will be more accurate with regard to unique users. This change will result in changes to your existing reports and statistics.

No one knows yet the exact effect of the new changes so it would will important keeping an eye to your stats and reports to see how the changes impact your new numbers after the end of this month.

Facebook is removing the “gray verification badges” from your business page

If you have taken the time to do all the due diligence and complete the requirements to get your verification badge for Facebook it means you are keeping up with new recommended updates from Facebook.

However, now Facebook has decided to find other ways to make page verification more relevant and obvious to the users. Consequently, they’ve announced they are removing the little gray badge that signaled that your business was Facebook-verified.

How will this affect your business page? Not much, really. According to Social Media Today, not many people understood what these badges were, generating confusion among many users. So don’t worry about this change and keep following Facebook’s good practices to make sure you’re eligible for a future verification process!

Facebook search ads

While the previous changes may seem like small blows to businesses, Facebook is also working to improve services for advertisers. Facebook search ads, which were introduced in 2018 for a select number of businesses, is now available for everyone!

Facebook announced that choosing “Automatic Placement” in your new ad campaigns will automatically include your ads in general search results and in Marketplace search results. Users may see your ad as a single post or in carousel format.

Unlike Google ads, there is no option to target specific keywords or key phrases yet. Instead, Facebook will place your ads in queries that include terms related to your business offerings.

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