
February 10, 2017

Don’t be fooled by fake news

Social media, for better or worse, is a part of 21st-century culture and it’s has been deeply ingrained in the daily lives, experiences and viewpoints of Americans of all ages.  Millennials and new generations don’t know a world without Instagram, Facebook and Google.  Intersecting daily with social media networks it’s simply their reality. Social media connects users across the world, allowing them to share ideas, thoughts, and content. While the dangers of social media are prominent in teachings to youth, the entire spectrum of what exactly is dangerous may not be covered. Students are warned of the consequences of posting scandalous photos or inappropriate comments. However, there are other important concerns to take into consideration when it comes to social media communication. One of these important social issues is the fact that many people are getting badly influenced by “fake news”. As a result of this concerning trend, some social networks are taking action. Now, Facebook is letting its users flag news stories as fake or a hoax and working with fact checkers to vet them, it is the first effort to address fake news since the United States election. Facebook stated on Dec. 15 that it is taking steps to weed out “the worst of the worst” fake news from its platform. So, be responsible, get educated and don’t believe everything you read in social media platforms. Always check with reliable sources first before sharing any news.
July 6, 2018
Google Changed The Way It Works

Google Changed The Way It Works

From Google: “Today, we’ve updated the way we label country services on the mobile web, the Google app for iOS, and desktop Search and Maps. Now the choice of country service will no longer be indicated by domain. Instead, by default, you’ll be served the country service that corresponds to your location. So if you live in Australia, you’ll automatically receive the country service for Australia, but when you travel to New Zealand, your results will switch automatically to the country service for New Zealand. Upon return to Australia, you will seamlessly revert back to the Australian country service.” At the time, it seemed this update was more of a minor change, when trying to check international results. Instead of going to the version of Google for a particular country, the results were now based on your location or the location in your Google settings. Google stated: “This update will help ensure that you get the most relevant results based on your location.” This seemingly minor change actually had a huge impact for websites operating in multiple markets. References Stox, P. (2018, June 20). Google changed the way it works, and no one really noticed. Retrieved from Marketing Land:
September 25, 2019

GOOGLE LATEST Algorithm UPDATE – September 24th 2019

May 8, 2020

Google Update May 2020 – Top takeaways