xperience marketing

October 6, 2015

Trade Show Marketing Strategies and Tips

Trade shows are a great opportunity for businesses to market to potential clients. However, trade shows do not generally last very long, so a company need to make sure it will be successful. Here are some tips for your trade show marketing strategy that can help make sure it is a success. Promoting in Advance – A trade show should be promoted long in advance before the actual event. A good rule of thumb would be to begin advertising it 60-90 days in advance for build-up. While you want to be promoting the event, it isn’t necessary to promote every single day. But, you should definitely begin the promotion at least 2-3 months before the event takes place. Social Media/Online Marketing ­– A great way to promote your event is through social media and online marketing. Most consumers have access to some sort of social media, and if not, another way to view online marketing. These methods are effective not only because of their far reach, but they are also very cost-effective. Professional Display – Your booth is your best opportunity to make a good first impression. By keeping a professional display, you can give clients a good impression that is likely to draw them in for more information. Large or small displays can both be used as long as they portray your company with a positive image. Display Information – Use enough information in your display to portray the positive image you want. But, do not include too much […]
October 19, 2015

Don’t be fooled by phone spammers!

Google does not call soliciting business Many local businesses have received phone calls from “Google” to talk about SEO. What these people may not know is that it probably is NOT Google calling them. There are many unethical companies cold calling local companies pretending to be Google.   BE AWARE! 99.9% of the time those calls are from phone spammers cold calling to solicit your business. Google does not place robocalls. Google does not call to “update your front page listing” or ask you to “claim your free website.” Google does not charge for inclusion in Google Search or Google My Business. Their tactic is to scare businesses into believing that they have problems with Their SEO, SEM, local listings, or related. It is very unlikely that it is actually Google these people are receiving a call from. Google will rarely call businesses, with the exception of those who request a call which is most often related Google AdWords users for CPC campaigns. So, if you receive a call from someone who claims to be Google, be aware that it is far more likely that this is actually someone misrepresenting themselves. These callers may call to “update your local listing, improve your SEO, fix errors your web may have” or even tell you to “claim your free website”. If a caller supposedly from Google makes these suggestions, it will be clear indication they are not from Google. However, on some occasion you will receive an actual call from Google. These calls […]
March 21, 2017

What’s the Difference Between SEO and SEM?

Search engine optimization and search engine marketing can be a confusing concept to grasp. Is there even a difference between them? Both terms are often used interchangeably, which makes matters even worse. It is important to understand the difference between the two terms and that they are different. What is search engine optimization (SEO)? SEO is essentially a component of the larger category, SEM. According to Google’s Knowledge Graph, search engine optimization is “the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.” The SEO industry is continually changing due to the frequent changes made to Google’s algorithm. But, there is one aspect of SEO that stays constant: SEO is made up of On-Page and Off-Page activities. What components does SEO include? As stated above, SEO is comprised of two different activities. ·         On-Page SEO includes: -Incorporating selective keyword naturally into title tags, meta descriptions, heading tags, alt text, etc. -Blog posts and page copy that is written and optimized with quality -Clean and formatting page URLS -Optimized page load speed -Google authorship incorporated -Social sharing integration within your content And much more! ·         Off-Page SEO includes: -Creating a high quality, natural backlink profile (aka having other high quality/authoritative sites link to your site naturally) -Social sharing signals -Social bookmarking (Stumbleupon, Reddit) -List goes on here too! What is search engine marketing (SEM)? According to Wikipedia, “Search engine marketing is a […]
May 30, 2017

Is “Siri” the new Google’s competitor?

A new study from Fivesight Research, “US Consumer Search Preferences Smartphone & Desktop: Q1 2017,” finds that Siri is the mobile “search engine” of choice after Google. The study was based on a survey of 800 US adults split roughly evenly between iOS and Android users. Google was by far the dominant mobile search engine, with an 84% aggregate share among respondents. Among Android users, Google’s search share was 90%. Among iPhone owners Google had a 78% share. After Google, however, Siri was named by more respondents as their “primary search engine” than Bing or Yahoo. (However, this doesn’t reflect query volume, just identification as the primary engine of choice.) Siri was the primary search engine of 13% of iPhone owners. This finding is significant because it suggests the long-term, potentially disruptive impact of voice and virtual assistants on traditional “query in a box” results. It’s important to point out, however, that these responses reflect self-reported data and many not line up one-to-one with behavior. Siri was also the most widely adopted virtual assistant among the available choices, used by a higher number of iOS users than “Google Now” was by Android users. Google Assistant wasn’t one of the available choices on the survey. A very large percentage of respondents (72%) said they were using virtual assistants to “supplement” more traditional mobile search. Only 16% of iPhone owners did not use a virtual assistant, while just under 40% of Android users did not. Among iPhone owners who used assistants other […]