Website Design

May 3, 2013

Make sure your website makes a good first impression.!

On many occasions, your website will be the first impression a possible new customer will get from your company. It is imperative your website is functional and can be properly navigated on the top browsers. Nowadays, mobile communication is part of the business environment and your website should also be compatible with cell phones and other mobile devices. A professional appearance is one of the most important elements of your website. Dos your website currently represents the image you want your business to portray? Your website can be considered as your “online store front”, in a matter of seconds, a visitor may decide what your business is capable of doing by the look, feel and clarity of your website. Your website portrays who you are, what does your business have to offer, your business unique qualities and others highlights. Make sure you offer something valuable and convey your message in an organized, easy to navigate website. Leverage your most visual content, images, pictures graphics are key in conveying an image of quality and clarity about what your business offers. Incorporate social media to enhance your website experience and interact with visitors. Optimize your website and find the best option to improve Search Engine Marketing If you feel your company is ready to go to the next level, or you know it is time to enhance your company’s image and keep up with technology, contact the marketing specialist at “Xperience Marketing Solutions” to request a “Website assessment and online marketing analysis”. […]
April 15, 2014

WordPress vs. HTML5 for my new website, which one is the best?

There is not a clear choice or a single answer for this question.  There are many variables to take into consideration before you make the decision about what’s best for you. First of all, if you are still wondering what WordPress or HTML is, the basic to know is: HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, and is the behind the scenes coding language that makes us able to see objects such as images and structured text online. HTML5 is the latest HTML update, which adds capabilities to deal with elements like video, audio, and graphic animation. On the other hand, WordPress is one of the most popular content management in blog publishing applications. It was released as blog engine; however it has turn into a full feature customizable website creation tool. Then, Both HTML5 and WordPress can be an appropriate Content Management Solution (CMS) but to make your decision on which option is the most suitable for your company or personal website, it is important that make yourself the following questions: Do you want to make changes? Website changes include a variety of activities like adding, modifying and removing content –for example, when you include a blog–; modifying core elements and layouts; your in need of following the latest’s web design trends, and more. If you are planning to implement this for your business website, it’s recommendable to use WordPress due to the easiness of content managing, page layout options, timely core updates and code-free HTML scripts. On the […]
September 25, 2018
Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

The use of mobile devices is increasing steadily every day. The cell phones of yesteryear that were used to receive and make calls are being replaced with a dizzying array of intelligent devices that offer the user hundreds of functions design to smooth and facilitate the tasks of everyday life. There is a device that appeals to every kind of user, and they are widely available. Furthermore, the technology that makes them so user friendly shows no sign of slowing down, and it can be expected that they will only be more intuitive and useful in the future. Knowing this information, it’s no surprise that the number of users who are expected to use their device to make online purchases will jump 26% by 2017. This opens up a whole new segment of the population as potential customers for your brand, the people who prefer to browse the web from their mobile device(s). Even if you already have a well-established website, optimizing the site for mobile access requires adhering to some parameters that many business owners do not take into account, thereby hurting their company. Users are repelled by sites that are not well suited to mobile platforms and have lackluster performance, loading issues, reduced navigation speed and other issues. The design of the mobile site needs to be taken into account before losing revenue and potential customers due to negative experiences when visitors access to your site from a mobile device. An important factor that needs to be kept […]